sâmbătă, 10 noiembrie 2012

Castigatoarea giveaway-ului violet II

Nu pot sa incep de data aceasta, fara sa imi cer mii de scuze fata de Raluca, pe care, spre rusinea mea am omis-o cand am facut listele prima data. Cum? Nu pot sa-mi dau seama, era cel mai lung si mai complex comentariu si fix pe acela l-am ocolit cand am ordonat listele.

Raluca imi cer inca o data mii de scuze, ma simt tare prost, si desi voiam ca primul giveaway sa fie perfect, iata ca nu mi-a iesit intru-totul! :(

Dar pentru ca Andreea nu m-a contactat in termen de 48 de ore, am refacut listele, adaugand-o bineinteles si pe Raluca, si am extras din nou:

(daca doreste cineva listele refacute, le pot atasa)

Buna ,
GFC : Camelia Andarsescu
Share : http://www.facebook.com/andrasescu.camelia/posts/458967454154957
Nu am blog , imi pare rau.

Camelia, felicitari, ai si tu la dispozitie 48 de ore in care ma poti contacta pe adresa beautyspellblog@yahoo.com pentru a-mi da datele tale unde iti voi trimite premiul. Sper sa te bucuri de produse si sa le folosesti cu drag.

Un week-end minuntat va doresc tuturor!!!

15 comentarii:

  1. Felicitari!:)weekend placut:)

  2. Stai linistita draga mea! Se mai intampla! Nu aveam cum sa ma supar, stiu si eu cum este!

    Felicitari Cameliei! Premiul a fost unul deosebit! Te-am pupat si stai linistita!

  3. felicitari camelia sa te bucuri de premiu /

  4. Răspunsuri
    1. Felicitari, o sa ajunga la tine in cel mai scurt timp. Sa le folosesti cu placere :* :*

  5. Hi:) You look so pretty!
    I love your blog<3 would you like to follow each other?
    Let me know when you join my site I'll do the same:)


  6. I agree with Patti! I am following you from Rome, I hope you will follow me back.

  7. congrats to the winner:)) would you like to follow each other on GFC, facebook and bloglovin?? let me know dear:))


  8. nice blog! :)


  9. Hello !! I am your newest follower /

    Appreciate if U can FOLLOW me back Please ?:)

    Very pretty and classy, love the look :)
    I follow you now ! Wanna be your friend!
    Follow me back on facebook ,instagram, twitter,and GFC and add me as a friend in GFC
    love you dear :)

    MarcBelle Chanelene

  10. lovely blog , do you want to follow each other on gfc, bloglovin and facebook ? let me know

  11. Congratulations to the winner. I saw the prizes. It was all awesome.
    Cute blog. Keep posting. I am your newest follower.
    Please follow back.


  12. congrats on the winner:))thank you so much for following dear:)) I am now following you too!!:) keep in touch! by the way, I have a new post now and would love to know your opinion on it!!



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